Data loss is one of the greatest impacts to businesses today.  A solid Business Continuity Plan should include:

Risk Assessment
Every employee uses different resources during the day, which is why each resource needs to be identified and their potential for failure ascertained. Mapping business processes will aid in identifying the proper resources.

Identification of Preventive Controls
Since preventing a disaster is a much better scenario than recovering from one, the implementation of preventive controls is the most important stage of the disaster recovery plan. Potential problems are identified and corrected where possible. Single points of failure are identified and eliminated, or at the very least, monitored and strengthened.

Design and Build the Plan
The design and implementation of the disaster recovery infrastructure utilizes industry best practices to produce a technical and procedural solution that ensures your business keeps running in the event of a disaster. Documenting downtime procedures are crucial here. Each employee needs a process in place that will allow them to quickly switch from a computer or automated process to a manual one.

Testing and Maintenance
We believe that testing and maintaining the contingency plan is vital to ensuring things operate as smoothly as possible during, and after an incident.  Finding out your contingency plans weren’t up to snuff during a disaster is nearly as bad as not having a plan at all.

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